Applied Kinesiology Print E-mail

What is Applied Kinesiology?

Applied Kinesiology is a specific form of diagnosis using functional neurological muscle testing (FNMT) as a primary feedback mechanism to help determine the cause of an individual's chief complaint and to help evaluate our structural, nutritional and mental aspects of health.  Most of the major body systems can be evaluated using FNMT.

Your Body doesn't lie!

Your nervous system acts as a "switchboard" whose main goal is to receive, transmit and integrate information from all of the body’s systems and parts. An Applied Kinesiologist can tap into this information through functional neurological muscle testing thereby being specific to your individual body’s' concerns.

Along with Applied Kinesiology, what other forms of analysis does Dr. Barringer employ to help you?

In addition to using functional neurological muscle testing to evaluate your body's systems, I will use a combination of the following testing

Personal medical history, Blood analysis, Urine analysis, Stool analysis, Neurological examination, Symptom survey, Dietary analysis, Posture examination, Orthopedic examination, X-ray analysis, Computerized nutritional assessment, Osteoporosis Screening, Ultrasound and Other tests.


(Defined by the International College of Applied Kinesiology)

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing with other standard methods of diagnosis.

The doctor using AK finds a muscle that is unbalanced and then attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly. The doctor works out the treatment that will best balance the patient's muscles.

Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofacial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian and acupuncture skills, clinical nutrition, dietary management, counselling skills, evaluating environmental irritants and various reflex procedures.

AK uses the Triad of Health. That is Chemical, Mental and Structural factors that balance the major health categories.

The Triad of Health is interactive and all sides must be evaluated for the underlying cause of a problem. A health problem on one side of the triad can affect the other sides. For example, a chemical imbalance can cause mental symptoms. AK enables the doctor to evaluate the triad's balance and direct therapy toward the imbalanced side or sides.

AK skills are developed and approved by the International College of Applied Kinesiology Board of Standards. These skills are refined from many disciplines including Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Medicine, Dentistry, Acupuncture, Biochemistry, Psychology, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy etc.  Members of these professions share knowledge through the publications and conferences of the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK).

A Doctor using AK during an examination will add a new dimension to standard diagnostics.

Summary of Applied Kinesiology:

AK is:

  • a diagnostic system using manual muscle testing to augment normal examination procedures.
  • was founded and developed by Dr. George J. Goodheart, Jr. ,DC
  • a set of skills that have been further developed by members of the ICAK
  • a postgraduate specialty that requires intense study and practice to use correctly.
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