"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.."
-- Thomas Edison., Inventor
What is Natural Health Care?
As a licensed natural health care physician, I use a wide range of therapies including; nutrition, skeletal bone manipulation (chiropractic),
Acupuncture-Non-needle technique, homeopathy, stress reducing techniques and suggested lifestyle modifications. No surgery! No drugs! This whole body approach addresses where most health problems originate either from structural, biochemical, emotional, or electromagnetic causes.
How does Natural Health Care work?
Every cell in your body is programmed to be healthy. This program is
known as the genetic code. Interference with this program from a
structural, chemical, emotional or electromagnetic origin can cause
health problems. Removing these interferences through natural therapies
will allow your body's genetic code or innate wisdom to function at its
best, and, we hope, bring about a resolution of your symptoms.
Why are people turning to Natural Health Care?
Functional illness is that gray area between optimal health and disease.
Many people have some signs and symptoms of functional illness such as
fatigue, headaches, indigestion, back pain, allergy and dozens of other
complaints which interfere in the quality of life. It's a sign that
something is wrong because it is not normal to have these problems.
These signs and symptoms aren't really addressed by mainstream medicine
which usually deals with disease. The shelves of grocery stores and
pharmacies are loaded with products we use to medicate ourselves to
cover up these minor illnesses. Functional illness isn't a problem with a
specific name. Unfortunately, many people like having a name for their
aches and pains. If a disease state is ruled out through proper
evaluation, then you're left with a functional problem which may not
have a name. -- Dr Phil Maffetone, In Fitness and In Health.
Are there signs that the public is seeking alternatives to drugs and surgery?
In 1994, there were 425 million visits to natural health care providers compared to 388 million visits to medical doctors.
New England Journal of Medicine 328(4): 1993; 246-252
In 1996, there were 628.8 million visits to natural health care providers compared to 386 million visits to medical doctors.
Journal of American Medical Association 1998;280:1569-75
This increase in acceptance of natural health care therapies is here to stay for one simple reason.. THEY WORK!
Nutrition and Diet Therapy
"Out of 2.1 million deaths a year in the United States, 1.6 million are related to poor nutrition."
-- C. Everett Koop, Former Surgeon General
What is Nutrition/Diet Therapy?
There is a revolution in health care which is based on the scientific
understanding that the types of foods we eat may be intimately linked to
our state of health. Nutrition/Diet Therapy is a practice of evaluating
a body's nutritional deficiencies and then replacing those essential
nutrients through diet modification and nutritional supplementation with
vitamins and minerals and other substances.
Could a nutritional deficiency be causing my health problem?
There are many scientists and health professionals who believe that diet
and carefully chosen supplementation will successfully help many health
problems that are usually treated with drugs or surgery. A deficiency
in just one essential nutrient can cause significant health problems.
For instance: a potassium deficiency will cause a person's heart to race
uncontrollably, a condition known as tachycardia.
Should you take supplements?
There is overwhelming scientific evidence that our modern day food
supply does not contain the vital nutrients to sustain a healthy body.
Polluted air, chemicals and pesticides, modern processing methods and
refinement of food have led to the depletion of essential nutrients in
our soil and therefore our food supply.
How does Dr. Barringer employ nutritional analysis in your treatment protocol?
He will use one or more of a variety of tests designed to identify if
nutrition is part of your health concerns. These methods may include a
computerized nutritional assessment, 5 day dietary analysis, blood testing, and functional neurological muscle testing (FNMT).